Kathleen Ferrier Centenary events  - October 2012

Kathleen Ferrier Centenary events - October 2012

This month marks the 59th  anniversary of the death of the great singer Kathleen Ferrier.  This year is also her Centenary year and events continue to take place across the country as the Life and Music of Kathleen Ferrier is celebrated throughout 2012. This month a number of Centenary events take place in Blackburn, where Kathleen grew up.

Here are some dates for the diary!...

From the  5th Oct - 27th Oct 2012 there is an Art Exhibition at Blakeys Lounge, King George’s Hall Blackburn by the well known artist Ronald William Webb.

Friday 26th Oct-  28th Oct 2012 is the Kathleen Ferrier Society Weekend in Blackburn

King George's Hall Northgate Blackburn BB2 1AA   Box Office : 0844 8471664     Website: http://www.kinggeorgeshall.com

Friday 26th October 2012 (8pm) Blakeys Bar -   Kathleen Ferrier - Her Life and Legacy

Saturday 27th October 2012 (2pm) : Windsor Suite  - Recital :  2011 KFS Bursary Winners

Saturday 27th October 2012 (8pm) :  Windsor Suite -  Concert: 'In Celebration' 

Sunday 28th October 2012: (10am - 7pm) (FINAL): King George’s Hall -   Kathleen Ferrier Society 17th Bursary for Young Singers Competition  (Tickets available on door)


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