Wigmore Hall Recital YCAT

Wigmore Hall Recital YCAT


Kathryn Rudge and James Baillieu will perform at Wigmore Hall on Tuesday 3rd April at 1.00pm in the final concert of the Young Classical Artists Trust (YCAT) Lunchtime Series. The programme will include songs by Britten, Howells, Fauré’s Cinq melodies de Venise and Mahler’s Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen.

YCAT was established in 1984 and provides a unique stepping stone, through supportive management, for young artists who have the potential for international performing careers. Kathryn was selected for representation by YCAT in 2010.

Tickets for the Wigmore Hall concert are available from YCAT or directly from Wigmore Hall.

Link: http://www.wigmore-hall.org.uk/whats-on/productions/ycat-lunchtime-concert-1112-30091


“It doesn’t take long (five notes maybe) to hear why people are excited. Her mezzo-soprano voice already has tremendous reserves of power, impeccable intonation, the capacity for a gloriously sustained legato and, most interesting of all, a distinctive vocal quality. The timbre has white-hot intensity that extends undiminished through all of two octaves”.

*** Richard Morrison,  The Times   5th April 2012



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